Copyright © 2025 Fifth Reformed Church.
Offering and Receiving
We understand financial giving to represent just one of the ways God invites us to offer ourselves back to him. If you visit on a Sunday, you will experience a time of Offering in our worship service. This is a part of our worship service because we understand it to be an act of worship. God invites us to offer our whole selves to him and to release anything to which we might be gripping too tightly.
At the same time, financial giving is very important for the one doing the giving. Jesus said our hearts will follow the way we direct our treasure (Matt. 6:21). In this sense, financial giving is a spiritual opportunity to redirect our hearts from trusting in money to trusting in God. Whether you give to Fifth or to some other cause, please understand the invitation to give as a spiritual invitation, not a plea for money. God will provide everything we need.
Sometimes our most faithful response to God is to ask for help and to allow others to give to us. Our church has an active Benevolence Team that assesses financial need in our congregation and larger community. You can make contact with this team at
Give Online
There are a variety of ways to give financially. Our electronic giving service provider is among the most trusted in the industry and operates with banking-level online security.
Download our church app to your phone or tablet. You can give through the app and gain access to other resources.
Give by Check
Send checks to:
Fifth Reformed Church
2012 Griggs St. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Other Ways to Give
Appreciated Assets
We have a dedicated brokerage account established to receive gifts of appreciated stock.
Required Minimum Distributions
We are able to receive required minimum distributions from IRAs.
Donor Advised Funds
Several friends and church members have directed to Fifth gifts from their donor advised fund. While not tax-deductible a second time, we welcome and appreciate these gifts.
Planned Giving
A planned or estate gift to the church.
For more information about any of these methods of giving, and the individual processes and tax advantages that each may employ, please contact our Treasurer at
Mission Impact Endowment
We are a congregation focused on making disciples, developing leaders and planting churches. To that end, we maintain an endowment for the purpose of funding these efforts in perpetuity. All principal contributions to the Mission Impact Endowment are preserved over time and grow in value. In this sense, a gift to the endowment is a gift that keeps giving.
Managed much like a family foundation, the endowment generates annual income to be used for mission and ministry outside the regular operating budget.
For more information on how to give to the endowment, contact our Treasurer at