Women’s Ministry Volunteer Opportunity – February 7

Join the Women’s Ministry Team at Fifth as they help prepare and serve a meal at The West Michigan Friendship Center! There are two ways to volunteer:

1. Help make/buy the food and/or

2. Help serve it.

Making/Buying the Food: Food can be dropped off at the church on Friday, February 7th between 8 AM – 4 PM or taken directly to the Friendship Center at 6 PM.

Serving the Meal: Arrival time on Friday is 6-6:15 PM with the meal served at 6:30 PM and cleanup directly after. Volunteers are encouraged to eat and mingle with the guests. A short activity will be planned by the staff at the Friendship Center following the meal if volunteers would like to stay. The evening will conclude around 8:30 PM.

Please review the available slots in the sign-up sheet here.

What is The West Michigan Friendship Center? The West Michigan Friendship Center welcomes refugees, immigrants, and residents from other countries to West Michigan. On Fridays, they provide a meal and activity specifically for women.

Directions to The West Michigan Friendship Center are here.

Questions? Contact Alex Miller.